
We are transforming and continuously improving customer satisfaction through synergy of experience and new knowledge. We provide customers with seamless connectivity and superior digital experience anywhere, at any time, thus becoming their first choice in the markets where we do business.


Trusted global partner in the digital world without limits.

Key values

Customers - Satisfied customers are our first priority.
Team - Our employees are our greatest capital.
Responsibility - We act professionally with full responsibility for what we do.
Changes - Constant change is imperative in our business operations.
Result - We are result-oriented.
More about our key values.

Corporate Governance Bodies

Supervisory Board of Telekom Srbija a.d. Beograd

The General Meeting consists of all the shareholders of Telekom Srbija a.d. Beograd.
The General Meeting has adopted its Rules of Procedure (PDF) which regulate in detail all issues related to the method of convening and holding the sessions, and the manner in which the General Meeting functions and makes decisions.

The Supervisory Board of Telekom Srbija a.d. Beograd has 7 (seven) members, who elect the chairman of the Supervisory Board among themselves.

In accordance with the Articles of Association of Telekom Srbija a.d. Beograd, the Executive Board has 7 (seven) members consisting of executive directors, of whom the Supervisory Board appoints one as the chief executive officer.

Members of the Supervisory Board are:

Members of the Supervisory Board are:

Milan Božić, PhD, chairman of the Supervisory Board

Dejan Latinović
Ninoslav Prodanović
Miroslav Joksimović
Pavle Milić
Đorđe Mazinjanin, PhD
Marina Zdravković

The Supervisory Board has appointed the Internal Audit chief officer and the Company Secretary:

Mira Stevanović, the Internal Audit chief officer
Aleksandar Radovanović, the Company Secretary

Executive Board of the Company:

Executive Board of the Company:

Vladimir Lučić
Chief Executive Officer
Chair at Executive Board sessions

Đorđe Marović
Chief Technical Officer

Natali Delić
Chief Officer for Strategy and Digital

Katarina Subotić
Chief Sales Officer

Marija Spasić
Chief finance Officer

Gordana Trhulj
Chief Corporate Affairs Officer

Draško Marković
Chief HR Officer

Vladimir Lučić


CEO of Telekom Srbija

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Đorđe Marović


Chief Technical Officer

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Natali Delić


Chief Officer for Strategy and Digital

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Katarina Subotić


Chief Sales Officer

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Marija Spasić


Chief Finance Officer

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Gordana Trhulj


Chief Corporate Affairs Officer

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Draško Marković


Chief HR Officer

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Established System Policies