Telekom Srbija takes part in “ESG, a Way of Life and Doing Business” conference

In partnership with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the Association of Italian Industrialists – Confindustria Serbia has organized the second ESG, a Way of Life and Doing Business conference in a row, dedicated to the implementation of ESG standards, ESG process management, as well as monitoring the dynamic changes in the financial and industrial sectors. The expert for environmental protection and a representative of Telekom Srbija, Zoran Karić, took part in the 4th conference panel where the participants discussed the importance of a greater engagement of companies in the sphere of sustainability and preservation of diversity.
Zoran Karić commented on the impact of Telekom Srbija’s operations on nature, the preservation of biodiversity and other key topics shaping our future by saying that the employees during their work in the field often encounter endangered and strictly protected species. “In order to reduce our impact on biodiversity, we established a practice that employees report such cases, and the expert personnel in the company, in cooperation with the relevant institutions, undertake the necessary measures. An example of such practice is moving the nests of the while stork to safe platforms,” said Karić.

He emphasized the importance of internal education which is conducted in the company through video training programs and allows the employees to become better acquainted with the issues of preservation of biodiversity and ecological crisis. He especially emphasized the project called “No Species Dies Alone”, by which Telekom Srbija showed how companies may be the key partners to science in the protection of nature, trying to slow down the process of species disappearance. Karić said that the company through this long-term project supported the monitoring and protection of numerous endangered species, including the griffon vulture, the European roller, the owl, the short-toed snake eagle, the brown bear, the wolf, the lynx, the beaver, and others.
The environmental management system in Telekom Srbija gives concrete results in harmonizing the operations with the goals of sustainable development. This initiative is part of a wider vision of Telekom Srbija to contribute to the long-term preservation of natural resources and the protection of biodiversity through its activities.
Telekom Srbija remains committed to achieving permanent results in the sphere of protection of the environment and biological diversity by setting up standards that may serve as an example to other companies in the region with the message: Let’s preserve the most important of all networks. The network of life.