New Year’s donation for youngest book lovers

The traditional New Year’s book donation, which Telekom Srbija has conducted for a tenth year in a row, will delight primary school students in another ten schools throughout Serbia, and over 1,000 book titles, popular among young generations, will find their way to the bookshelves of school libraries.
In an attempt to encourage the youngest generations to read and be creative, Telekom Srbija will improve the library funds by classics, but also popular literature, such as The Valentines Series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, The Boy and The Globe, Hoću kući! and many other titles. The aim of this long-term campaign by Telekom Srbija is to encourage primary school students to pay attention to printed editions, which play an equally important role in learning and education as digital tools, which are available to a large number of kids every day.
Implemented within the umbrella program dubbed “We Support the Initiators”, which has been the catalyser of numerous positive changes in society for a number of years, the book-giving campaign ahead of New Year holidays is aimed at primary schools which have previously addressed the National Library of Serbia with a wish to enlarge their book fund.
The schools whose libraries will get new book titles this New Year are Elementary School “Branko Radičević”, Gabrovac, Elementary School “Nadežda Petrović”, Sićevo, Elementary School “Toplički junaci”, Donje Crnatovo, Elementary School “Jovan Cvijić”, Zminjak, Elementary School “Vuk Karadžić”, Lipnički Šor, Elementary School “Drinka Pavlović”, Kuršumlija, Elementary School “Milorad Labudović Labud”, Baroševac, Elementary School “Milivoje Borović”, Mačkat, Elementary School “Miodrag Čajetinac-Čajka”, Trstenik and Elementary School “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj”, Ruma.