At the annual award ceremony of Telekom Srbija for the best work at the New Media Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts, a panel of judges singled out from among exceptional achievements the works by two students – the "Family Days" multimedia installation by Jelena Rendulić and a series of photographs entitled "Who is to blame?" by Matej Marković.

This year, the panel of judges included distinguished experts and creators: Jovan Čekić, full-time professor at the Faculty of Media and Communications, Stevan Vuković, art historian and Ivana Smiljanić, artist. As set out in the rationale, the panel of judges selected the two works because they excelled in terms of authenticity and uniqueness resulting from the artists’ fundamental research work.

The award ceremony and the opening of the exhibition of rewarded works attracted many prominent figures from the world of art, students and professors, led by the dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Radoš Antonijević.

The Telekom Srbija award is presented for an eighth time, in recognition of authentic and creative artistic expression in the domain of new media. The Company has continuously supported the Faculty of Fine Arts and young artists and has strived to create the best possible conditions to encourage students to fully express their creativity and skills through further research in these artistic disciplines.