Online presentation of mts app competition held for students and teachers


On the occasion of a new cycle of the mts app competition, which was launched recently, an online presentation was organized for students and teachers of specialized departments of secondary schools and grammar schools that work according to the program for talents in the field of mathematics, informatics and computing.

Given that in the further course of the competition the students will have to organize a team and work seriously to transform their idea into a functional and applicable application through programming, company representatives prepared a presentation in order to acquaint future participants with the rules and expectations of the mts app competition, while Ivan Kadić, the executive director of the company “60 Seconds”, which was supported by our TS Ventures Fund, shared his entrepreneurial experiences.

Predrag Krajnović, an expert in the development of Internet and convergent services, Ivan Ristić, the head of the Application Integration and SOA Section and Miroslava Tešin Popović, the corporate social responsibility manager, gave the students useful advice about the terms and deadlines of the competition, about trends in the field of mobile applications devices, as well as writing an application code.

Since the goal of the mts app competition is for students to improve the knowledge acquired at school by working on application programming, develop a team spirit by working in a team, and develop presentation skills when presenting the application in front of a jury, the experience in creating applications that the executive director of the “60 Seconds” company, Ivan Kadić, shared with them was especially valuable to the students. His perspective of a successful entrepreneur was extremely encouraging for the students, who were able to get first-hand information on how to view an application as a marketable product.

Apart from presenting students with an opportunity to learn something new, the mts app competition is also a chance for the students to win valuable and useful awards, both at the national level and within the Regional App Challenge where they compete against their peers from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro.