mts app competition once again rallies secondary school programmers

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Telekom Srbija has launched the 14th round of mts app competitions which presents secondary school students of specialized classes for mathematics, computer science and informatics with an oppportunity to design and develop mobile applications with practical and socially useful solutions.

As part of the competition, secondary school students can organize themselves as teams and with the support from their teacher mentors, dedicate themselves, during a two-month period, to programming applications aimed at promoting community life and facilitating communication. In that process, students additionally develop their expertise and skills and improve team work, and apart from their teachers’ support, they also enjoy the support of Telekom Srbija’s employees.

Given that the competition held in the organization of m:tel BiH and m:tel CG is concurrently conducted in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro, the winning teams of all the three countries compete at the next level within the Regional app challenge for the main and special awards for innovativeness.

Apart from the opportunity to promote their knowledge and skills, valuable awards and a visit to some of the prestigious European conferences devoted to state-of-the-art technologies, digital communications and design represent an additional incentive for the students.

The application of teams and ideas is open until 27 November 2024, whereas the deadline for the submission of finished applications is 29 January 2025.

So far, within the mts app competition, 213 teams have presented as many as 220 mobile applications, which points to the important contribution of this programme to the development of digital skills of young people.
The mts app competition is part of the programme “We Initiate the Initiators,” an initiative of Telekom Srbija’s, launched with the aim of encouraging individuals and institutions in the creation of positive changes in their environments.
For more about the mts app competition please refer to the website of Telekoma Srbija.